There are three copies of the CharacterMaster GameObjects (component which controls the character bodies) for the Void Reaver inside of the gameobject trigger to spawn the portal. Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time Void Reaver Masters HOLDER: Arena Entrance/Trigger/NullifierMaster Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry HOLDER: Skybox/ArtifactWorldSkybox/WorldRelative/GroundMesh, Super Distant This disabled terrain would have been behind the strange closed gate in the caves. HOLDER: Environment/HOLDER: Terrain/SGTerrainDirtSecret Interacting with this object spawns the Alloy Worship Unit boss encounter. Siren's Call HOLDER: Boss Encounter/BossChest/ SMSkyboxPrefab/MoonHolder/ShatteredMoonMesh (used) Sky Meadow SMSkyboxPrefab/MoonHolder/MoonMesh RaidVoid/RaidVoidTerrain/mdlVoidStageIslandSE/mdlVoidTerrainSE/ArchEntry RaidVoid/RaidVoidTerrain/mdlVoidStageIslandSE/mdlVoidTerrainSE/ Get a screenshot with the ArchEntry as well Looking up, we can see an eclipsed moon, and a second smaller moon. Weather, Eclipse/Skybox Assets/Sphere, Moon/Sphere, Other Moon Weather, Eclipse/Skybox Assets/Sphere, Moon/ The previously mentioned skybox textures would have paired with the post-processing provided by this unused weather. While the weather itself is the enabled as the default, the sky textures for the stage have a unique, sunset-esque texture that would go unseen. Unseen Skybox Textures Weather, Wispgraveyard HOLDER: Gameplay Space/HOLDER: STATIC MESH/Quadrant 4: Starting Temple/Q4_OuterRingĪdditional flags, likely previously attached to something. HOLDER: Gameplay Space/HOLDER: STATIC MESH/Quadrant 4: Starting Temple/Q4_MiddleRing HOLDER: Gameplay Space/HOLDER: STATIC MESH/Quadrant 4: Starting Temple/Q4_InnerRing HOLDER: Gameplay Space/HOLDER: STATIC MESH/Quadrant 4: Starting Temple/Q4: BridgeParent (used) HOLDER: Gameplay Space/HOLDER: STATIC MESH/Quadrant 4: Starting Temple/Q4: Starting Temple (used) Gameplay Space/HOLDER: Bridge/BRIDGE, Section 3/MoonElevator/Ĭommencement (moon2) HOLDER: Gameplay Space/HOLDER: STATIC MESH/Quadrant 1: Quarry/Q1_MiddleRing/Q1_Tower (1)

Outdated graphics card causes the water to be pink, update with a new screenshot