I don't really want to be away from home for long, my husband is taking the whole quarantine thing pretty rough (he's the most social of social butterflies) and I hate to leave him alone for much longer than that. It would be great if that would work for me, we have a lot of hospitals in Memphis and they are ALL short. Some comments posted on the snapnurse pages talk about people using it to moonlight at a local hospital when the need arises.

So the krucial/snapnurse thing seems pretty appealing, make a lot of money for 2-3 weeks then come home and work more normal hours to get a break, then go back at it. The company fills short-term nursing vacancies in less than 48 hours - a disruptive departure from the 14-day average provided by traditional medical staffing agencies, with an average deployment. So I am expecting that there could be some need here (there are some wonderful $$$$ 13 week contracts in TN btw) I currently have a pretty sweet PRN contract with OR Nurses at a Memphis hospital that's got no end date so I just work that right now, but I can bounce at any moment and come back to this. Currently I live in Tennnessee, which is apparently (and unsurprisingly) one of the worst places in the world for covid right now, on a per capita basis. As a result, the average SNAP benefit excluding additional funds provided as part of pandemic relief will increase for fiscal year 2022 beginning on Oct. USDA today released a re-evaluation of the Thrifty Food Plan, used to calculate SNAP benefits. I'm also hoping to go somewhere other than texas, maybe. USDA Modernizes the Thrifty Food Plan, Updates SNAP Benefits. It seems like snapnurse has pretty similar rates although does not cover housing and food the same way krucial does. I see a lot of frustration over that on their FB page every time they post that the phone lines are open.

It seems pretty annoying to actually get on a deployment, I don't love the idea of getting on the phone to call and call all day hoping to talk to someone and get in. Does anyone have experience with both? Or snapnurse at least? I have lots of friends who have worked for krucial lately so I've been able to talk to them about their experience.